Self-Care During Divorce: A “Must Do”
Divorce is one of the most complex and stressful experiences to go through in life. It changes a person’s life completely and handling the legal and financial matters while also bearing the emotional stress of ending a long-term relationship is a lot for a person to take on. During all these changes, it’s all too easy to let certain things slide, such as taking care of oneself.
To say that you’ll be making a lot of tough decisions during a divorce is an understatement. You’ll be confronted with questions that will not only affect your future but will also deeply affect the futures of any children you and your former partner have together.
For you to focus on those decisions fully, self-care must remain a priority. Working to improve your self-care during your divorce will help you to be more focused and better prepared to meet the challenges you’ll encounter during this difficult time.
This Self-Care During Divorce branch on MrOwl has many different ways to take care of yourself during this trying time. Here are just eight of those ways to improve your self-care during a divorce.
Follow a schedule
Routine can be one of the hardest things to tackle following a separation. It’s also one of the most important things to reestablish to begin feeling like normal again. Set a schedule that includes what time you’ll wake up each day, your daily tasks and activities, and when you’ll go to bed. Getting your body in sync with a regular schedule will help you feel more centered and capable of handling the difficult moments as they come.
Take downtime
In the never-ending onslaught of things that must be done during a divorce, it’s crucial to pencil in some downtime for yourself. Whether it’s an hour spent soaking in the tub or half a day with your electronic devices turned off, giving yourself downtime is an important way to regroup, re-center, and reflect on all the big and little changes happening in your life.
Not only does exercise help you get in shape, but it also has serious brain-boosting power that can help fight the blues during a divorce. High-intensity workouts are known to increase endorphins in the brain, which can help stave-off mild depression. And it helps to add a great music playlist to your workout routine. Since divorce can be incredibly tough, a great way to practice self-care is to exercise regularly.
Go out with friends
Regular dates with friends can be a salve to the wounds of divorce. Spending time with people you enjoy, who can make you laugh and support you during this difficult time is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to practice self-care. Friendships are especially important for those who may not have close family nearby to offer them comfort.
Set new goals
One of the hardest parts of divorcing is having to reconfigure what the future looks like on your own. While it can feel overwhelming to re-plan your entire life during a divorce, it can be incredibly reassuring to have a few new personal goals. As part of your divorce self-care, take time to jot down a few personal goals and dreams that you can work toward, which will help you feel motivated to embrace each day and the challenges that come with it. MrOwl is a great resource to discover and connect with other users over the things that you’re interested in. And, when you find something you like, grab it to save it for later.
Get out in nature
It is said that nature is the best medicine. There is more oxygen and less noise, and it’s a great way to let go of what is on your mind. So, get outside in the fresh air, enjoy the beauty around you, and take some good deep belly breaths while you are there.
Meditation is much easier than you may realize. Look for meditation groups or classes in your community or check out the many apps and websites that teach meditation techniques. Simply find a quiet place to sit and just focus on your breath. Your mind will certainly wander; when you notice you have drifted away, return your attention to your breath. Let thoughts just drift away like passing clouds. Try it for 30 days and notice how it affects you.
Get help
While doing all of these things can help to improve your self-care during a divorce, sometimes it’s best to seek guidance from a professional. Mental health professionals such as counselors and therapists are trained to help people going through difficult life transitions. They can provide expert information and useful advice to you when you need it. Don’t hesitate to get the help you deserve to get yourself back to the best you can be.
Making it a point to maintain or improve your self-care during a divorce can make a huge difference in helping you to move forward in a healthy way. When you’re able to take care of yourself, your physical and mental health will improve, and you’ll be happier.